My Name is Len Rucker. I feel that time spent within service to others
can be disproportionately impactful in our lives. I spent only a brief
time in the Army, yet there are parts of my leadership training that
still continue to shape my life. I have 20 years of experience in the IT
industry. I am driven to provide technical educational access to
Veterans, Youth, and their families. As Project PC’s Technical Advisor I
provide a variety of support including maintenance of our technical
infrastructure, consultation, the teaching of enrichment classes to educate
youth and veterans with the goal of equipping them to protect their
digital privacy. I find education to be a lifelong journey and for me
this means I partake of continual self-development. I have participated
in an array of professional and personal development courses,
memberships, and activities that support my knowledge and skills in IT
and other areas such as leadership, fitness, nutrition, food-based
health, heart-brain coherence, mindfulness, organic gardening, and team
building. I find it particularly important to take this opportunity with
Project PC to foster self-reliance amongst the Veteran population, as it
is so vital to be a part of protecting the ones who protect us